Monday, May 21, 2012

Count down truely on

Well, the countdown to going home is truly on now.  Three more nights sleep in Rome and we are on our way.  We are both starting to pack our bags.  Last grocery shopping has been done.  Fridge is being cleared.  Laundry gets done tomorrow.

I am really having mixed feelings about it.  I want to get home to visit friends and family, but at the same time I will really miss being here.  Life has been comfortable and effortless.  I a am not sure if we will ever be back, there are so many other places to be, but I would do it in a heart beat, all things being right.  We have won at least two prizes on the Lotto Max while gone - I sure hope it was more than just our usual free tickets!!  Next time, I would chose to live in the countryside rather than the city.

Saturday we saw lots of activity going on in the park across the street.  Barricades were put up and two lines of tents were going up.  I couldn't find any info on what was happening - there were no posters around.  The Rome "Run for the Cure" was on, but the roads weren't blocked and not a hint of pink to be seen.  Bill went out in the morning an brought back a pamphlet.  It was  a Catholic celebration of the diversity of it's congregations.  Sunday, after lunch, and before the rain arrived, we could see the people arriving and the sound of music being broadcast, so we decided to stroll over and see what was happening.

There were something like 40 pavilions from different countries, large and small, from all around the world - African, South American, Indian, Chinese, New Zealand, the Maldives, Ukraine, Philippines, Indonesia, Poland, Moldova, to name just a few.  People were dressed in their National Costumes, and showing products, flags and other icons of their particular country.  Some countries had musicians performing.  A stage was set up where singers, dancers and other artists were performing.  Then there were the food booths - about 30 different stations were set up where you could purchase a typical meal from the country of your choosing.  We missed the boat here - I would really have liked to have tried some of the African food items.  The Ethiopian booth seemed to be really popular.  Everything looked really good regardless of which country it was from.  I wish I could smell better, because I'm sure the aroma was delicious - all those different spices and flavours mixing - YUM.....YUM!!

Here's a little of what we saw.

                                                   Some of the many pavilion tents

                                               The performing stage on the steps of the church
                                                     People gathering in front of the food tents

                                                        Ancient Bolivian native costume

                                           What we think of as a typical Bolivian costume today
The most popular Bolivian costumed person - I wonder why???  Not only men were lining
 up to get pictures taken with her - Not sure how traditional this costume is!

A lady from Ghana

It was all very colorful and full of great music - about three the rain came along, but people stayed, umbrellas went up, and we beat a retreat to the refuge of our apartment

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