Tuesday, April 17, 2012

On to Ravenna

Sunday we moved on further east and north towards Ravenna.  As usual we took our time wending our way over hill and dale, up and around a mountainside or two and down into as many valleys.  A trip of just over 225 kms took us seven and a half hours.  I don't know how many extra kms we travelled but I am sure it was at least twice as much as we needed to, and we are glad we have unlimited mileage on the rental.  Again the countryside was beautiful.  We moved out of Umbria and into Emilia-Romagna province. 

Here a just a few pictures of what we saw.

 Just an interesting looking rock alongside the road

Then we met this lucky fellow along the road

I say lucky because just two kms up the road we met a group out with their bird dogs, setting off on a hunt!!

Then we arrived in a town called Cesena, and all off a sudden we were out of the mountains and entering a great wide, flat plain.  It is the Po river valley and it extends from Milan all the way to the Adriatic and from Cesena to the Venice region., an area of about 200 miles by 60 miles.  It is a very fertile valley with all manner of crops being grown.

My main reason for wanting to travel to Ravenna is the 5th and 6th century mosaics that are to be found at several sites around town..  There are at least eight UNESCO designated world heritage sites in and around the city.  we are very fortunate to be visiting at this time because it is cultural week in Italy, so all government run facilities have free entry.  That is saving us a penny or two.  We had two days in this beautiful town.  It is a little jewel and a place that one could easily settle into.  It is a very pedestrian and bike friendly town.  Everyone from 5 or 6 year old children to people well into their 80's can be seen biking around town, doing their shopping, going to work, etc.  I would say that bikes easily equal cars and they certainly outnumber motor bikes and scooters.

Now for some of the mosaics we saw.  It is just amazing how much square footage in some of these hugh churches, mausoleums, etc are covered  with these pictures made of tiny pieces of glass and stone embedded into plaster.  Pictures cannot do them justice. 

That should be enough for now, don't want to wear you out.

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